DAY 1 Learning -

 Hi Guys, Starting of Hijri New Year from Muharram 2nd 1444, I have been on learning break.

This process of Learning, Unlearning and Relearning has been a breakthrough in every Bohri's Life as they go through this 9 day Learning Process 

to acquire basic knowledge to Lead a Happy Life in all aspects.

Today 2nd Muharram (31st Jul 2022), we learned the following topics in details :

1. Self Reflection.

2. Take Right Actions & have faith.

3. Positive thinking & Right belief can do you wonders.

Elaborating the above points further :

1. Self Reflection -

Human Brain bu default is made to see faults in others, but it will never realise our short comings.

If someone gives us nagative feedback, we will be defensive / get angry/ develop a disliking for that person.

Genuinely we should interospect, if we can overcome those shortcomings and become a better person.

Always keep asking for feedback from friends/colleagues/coaches/mentors and keep improving your self.

In this process Dont take yourself too seriously also. Mistakes Happen.

Mistakes are Expected, Respected, Inspected and Corrected, Making sure its never repeated.

2. Take Right Actions & Have Faith :

Always believe in your Guru/Coach. If they give you any feedback take it positively.

Beleive that you can take corrective actions to improve your habbit/work ethics/plan/action for the feedback given.

Have faith that outcome will be better and will change your life for good.

3. Always have positive attitude in life and believe your small actions can change the world.

Just be consistent, push your self and have the right mindset.

Action/Take Away Points :

1. Keep asking for fedback.

2. Take note of the feedback, and make small corrective actions to change the behaviour.

3. Take things positively and never hold grudges/ get angry on any person who gives you negative feedback. 

   Infact be thankful that GOD gave you a chance to improve yourself.

4. Have faith in your mentor/GURU and take their advice/path suggested with 100% faith.

Hope this Helps.

To Stay Wealthy - Learn & Earn

To Stay Healthy - Run & Burn.

Happy Reading !!!


Unknown said…
These are nice words you have shared Hakimbhai.
Thank you :)

CA Preyash Shah

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