Why you should do THIS business?

Note: If you are reading this without reading prior article, I would recommend you to please read those in order to understand the contents of this articles.

Isn't the question asked previously same as this one? Then whats the difference?

To understand it better, previously we talked about YOU doing the business and over here we would talk about why you should go for NETWORK MARKETING.

To start with, if you take any product in this world, it exists just because of "word of mouth". Whenever you use something and like it, you recommend it to your friends and family.
Do you know why?
Just because you care about them and you want them to use something better which is tried and tested. Would you ever recommend them something which you have found it bad. You will generally talk bad about it and do you think will that product be able to survive if the "word of mouth" is bad?

How many people look at advetisements and really buy the products?
There may be very few people who would be actually doing this and the rest go by "word of mouth". So thats a big concern for the companies. There was an article in the news paper which revealed that people usually watch advetisements for entertainment purpose and very few bought products out of advertisements. This raised a huge concerns for companies that is spending huge sum of money on advertisements.

Big companies recruit big stars as their brand ambassadors. But no one knows whether Amitabh uses navratna oil, salman wears lux undergarments or shahrukh has dish TV at his home.

I am not concerned about advertisements or big stars. My concern is the huge amount of money which is going in distribution and advertisements of this products.

Now, since you have invested so much time reading all this, your concern would be" How can we gain out of this"?

What if these companies directly deal with you i.e you are made the distributor as well as the brand ambassador for a company and you get to earn this income which big stars and distributors earn? If you are thinking this is possible then, here is your call and thats what 'NETWORK MARKETTING' is all about.

Over here the company directly deals with you. You get the franchise of the company. The only thing we have to do is share our experience with other people and recommend the products to them. You have been sharing and recommending many things to your friends/family. All this time you have been doing this for free but now you also have the oppurtunity to earn by sharing with others and you can also help others to earn.

Over here you can become a distributor as well as franchiser. You can sell the franchisee and help other people start their own business and prosper yours and his financial goals.

The most important part of NETWORK MARKETING is even if you stop working, your network won't stop working for you because all people who have joined your network are
working to acheive their goals and hence your cash flow does not stop.

Until next time.

Wishing For Your Success

Hakim Jamali


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