YOU too can have a charismatic personality...

Have you noticed there are some people who just light up any room the moment they enter? Their sheer presence can draw attention from a busy crowd even before uttering a word.

Someone who possesses this kind of charismatic quality is often said to have an ‘aura’ or a ‘presence’.

Becoming successful always involves other people. They could be your clients, or prospects or people you network with. But whoever they may be, the greater your charisma, the easier it is for you to quickly form long-lasting relationships. Remember, the very same people could be the ones who will spread the word about you.

How can you enhance your charisma?

Your Body Language

Your body sends out thousand of signals every minute, constantly giving out your thoughts and feelings for everyone to read.

Your body language should be in tune with what you are saying. For example, if you are talking about something that is happy or joyful, this should be reflected in your movement and expression. Your body language should always match and compliment your theme.

Your Tone of Voice

Your tone of voice is more important than you realise. It can express and reflect your inner confidence and inspire others to follow you. The degree of inner confidence projected through your tone of voice also sets the mood and atmosphere.

This important feature of everyday speech is so powerful that it can actually drive you to successful heights.

Your Communication Skills

Charismatic people are extremely clever in their communication skills by being able to make other people feel more important or more valuable.

One of the qualities of being charismatic is all about making the other person feel better, more valuable and happier. You can achieve this to the extent that other people will start to feel better each time they see you, even from a distance.

Your Passion

Charismatic people are passionate people.

Without it, your charisma will never shine and this will be reflected back to your audience. Tinker with your mind by strengthening your reasons for your goals and the action you need to take. You may have heard the popular phrase “talk is cheap…actions speak louder than words”.  In the case of being charismatic, this is very true.

Your Confidence

People are naturally attracted to those people who exude a sense of self-confidence. Those with charisma have an intense belief in themselves and in what they are doing. Your level of self-confidence is often projected in your courage and your eagerness to do whatever is necessary to achieve a goal that you believe in.

Gradually apply the above tips each day for a boost of positive thinking that will help you move towards your charisma and personal power goals!

Suggestions, comments and queries are most welcomed.

Until then.
Wishing For Your Success
Hakim Jamali


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