Day 2 Learning


Outline/Action Points:

1. Difference Between Spider & Honey bee. Be like a Honey Bee.

2. Be process driven - If you build a house, then dont try to jump walls. Use the Door. (Make sure you capture right data and your funnel is well recorded).

3. Remember who your friends are and always ask for help.

4. Understand your power, but know when to use it. (Most of the times, u have to let go off things, rather than showing your power).

5. Always be thanks giving (Thanking God under any circumstances). Thats what will give you eternal happiness.


Elaborations :

Spider -

1. Most deceptive creatures.

2. they will kill their life partner after using them. (Mis use of power / greed / lies)

3. they will attract the prey, and kill it for food. (Scam/ fake marketting)

4. They have the weakest house. (It will never last long and be destroyed easily)

5. People like spiders , can never be trusted.

Honey Bee -

1. Most well organised creature.

2. They are the best architects. (their houses will last long and are built strongly).

3. Whatever they make, HONEY is the sweetest and valuable thing and even their houses are useful. (Everything they make is useful).

4. Most obedient creatures.

5. They give more value (HONEY), then what they take (Nector). 

Process Driven -

1. Well define all your processes from Sales/Marketting/Purchase/HR etc. and never try shortcuts.

2. Keep a metric for self check and improve your processes regularly.

3. Building right proess will make you feel more secured and have less stress.

Ask For Help :

1. Admit that you will never have answers to all questions.

2. Seek for professionals and ask for advise.

3. Always have a trusted friend/Mentor/GURU who can show you the right path and help you.

Use Your Power Wisely :

1. Having Power makes you more responsible.

2. With greater Power, Practice being more Patient.

3. Majority of the time you need to take things lightly, Never be tempted to show your power.

And Never forget to Thank GOD for what you have. He has the best plan for you.

And Finally,

To Stay Happy , Be Thankful.

To Stay Healthy & Wealthy , Be Mindful.



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